Outreach Schedule

Rainbow Park BBQ

Come and enjoy a day out with a free sausage sizzle, soft drink or bottled water, some enjoyable tunes, and a chat with one of our lovely volunteers, and a chance to make new friends in your community.

Thursday’s (not including publc holidays)
Rainbow Park Woodridge
On the corner of Jean st and Ewing rd

Disney Family fun day - Compete and Connect

Saturday 10th August 2024

Family Olympics:

Olympic games made up of 3 challenges, happening 3 times: Starting times: 10am,
11:30am, 1pm
Family olympics triathlon
-Bigfoot run: racing in massively oversized cardboard shoes to the finish line.
-Water balancing race: balance a cup of water on their head to the finish line.
-3 legged race: tied to their parents leg they have to race to the finish line.

Other Games
1:Basket ball shoot out

-Mini basket ball
2:Blind treasure hunt
-Parents have to guide their blindfolded kids to a treasure (candy) going left and right/ up
and down
3:Disney Trivia
-answer the most questions correctly to be in the chance to win a $50 bunnings gift card

Dress Competition:
-Best dressed person wins a price, has to be connected to Disney who’s winner will be
announced at 3pm

Painting Competition:
Paintings in different age categories 2-4, 5-8, 9-12, 13+. Paintings can be submitted any
time after advertisement for the event started until 12pm of the event day. The winner will
be announced by 14:30pm ( people coming to the event will have the chance to vote, all
paintings will be presented in an exhibition.

Other entertainment:

-Self-made Colombian and Indian food
Market Stalls
-Food vans
-Face painting

Agnes Kerek - Women's Women (Beauty Services)

With over 25 years of experience as a Beauty Therapist, Agnes offers free services to those in need of assistance, advice or event just a break. 
Services include:
-Pedicures And Manicures
-Make Over Advice

Availabilities by appointment. 
Call0414962605 or (07) 32902204 to schedule.