Our wonderful people

Tresseia Kenny

Tresseia Kenny


Paula Londono

Paula Londono

Outreach Officer

Nadine Rains

Nadine Rains

Charity Coordinator

Effie Vallins

Effie Vallins


Our people love to help others in need

Accord Outreach is not an organisation, a business plan or even a community program. Accord Outreach is first and foremost people.

It’s with great appreciation and admiration that we give thanks to our leaders, branch team leaders, volunteers, those behind the scene and those who generously donate.

It’s with your amazing tireless efforts and dedication to our guests and community, that we can truly say that Accord Outreach is a great success because of you. You allow us to continue to pursue the dream of restoring relationships within our community and reducing the number of homeless on the street.